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Economic Globalization And The Effects On Country Development

Economic globalisation's effects on a country's development are a matter of debate. Some argue that the movement of capital and goods around the world will create jobs and help improve the economic situation of countries, while others feel that it will only result in more poverty. Either way, there is little doubt that the world economy is becoming increasingly globalised. This has had a significant effect on the development of the countries in the world.

Economic Globalization And The Effects On Country Development

Positive Effects

Globalisation has helped bring more people out of poverty and enhanced citizens' living standards worldwide. But it also has some downsides. Some critics argue that globalisation has caused the exploitation of workers in developing countries. Others point out that the global market gives companies complete access to consumers, thus offering them a wider variety of goods. In some cases, these products may be harmful to the environment.

The World Bank estimates that in 2010, 1.1 billion people in extreme poverty moved out of poverty. Meanwhile, life expectancy has doubled in the past century. However, the debate remains on whether the digital revolution is a reasonable force for the global economy.

Globalisation is bringing governments and businesses together to create economic opportunities for everyone. For example, in Bangladesh, the garment industry produces clothes that are shipped all over the world. It is estimated that four million people work in the industry.

In the developed world, people must compete for high-skilled jobs. As a result, the costs of manufacturing are lower. Consumers can choose more goods and get better-quality products. They may also be able to eat healthier foods.

Choice Of Communist Or Free-Market Economics

The choice of communist or free-market economics is a hard decision to make. There are many factors to consider, but this article will cover the main ones. Among them is the cost of living, how much a worker makes, and the health of the working class. Moreover, much attention has been paid to how to increase the workforce's productivity. In a capitalist system, most workers aren't paid for their work, and their contributions often need to be acknowledged.

A system based on collective ownership of the means of production (MoP) can do wonders for a country's plight. Rather than a handful of affluent individuals, socialists aim to improve the living standards of the masses. Specifically, they propose the establishment of worker's co-ops. This is akin to democracy in action. It is a worthy endeavour.

Of course, if one is to devote a great deal of time and effort to the task, one may consider the merits of a socially and economically viable alternative. To that end, this article focuses on the economic, political, and philosophical aspects of socialism, the one that is the most relevant to the question of choice.

Supra-National Bodies On Nation-States

As economic globalisation gains momentum, supra-national bodies on nation-states and economic globalisation are emerging. They are organisations that transcend the boundaries of states to shape the world through economics, laws, international markets, and international trade. While their functions may differ from one another, they are often comparable in both scope and purpose.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a free trade system in the United States. Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) has several supranational institutions. The EU has been characterised as a 'paradigmatic supranational organisation'.

A critical advantage of supranational organisations is their ability to influence the global monetary system. For instance, the European Stability Mechanism provides financial aid to countries in severe economic distress. This helps them maintain a stable economy and reach higher economic stability.

Numerous supranational organisations promote the growth of global trade and commerce. These organisations provide a means for nations to work together to promote international norms in business, foster foreign relations, and promote international sports.

However, these organisations are not a panacea. The relative autonomy of nation-states remains a debated topic. Some sceptics claim that they cause instability, while others argue they do an excellent job regulating global markets.

Author Bio

Tobin John holds a PhD degree from a prestigious university. He is associated with one of the best business plan writing services and has been providing professional business plan writing services for over 15 years. After completing his Master, he started providing online business writing services on different platforms. Once his PhD was completed, he professionally joined service providers and now works for them.


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