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The Art Of Quoting In An Essay: Best Practices

Quoting is an essential part of essay writing. It allows writers to support their arguments with evidence and provide context for their analysis. However, not all quotes are created equal. 

Knowing how to quote effectively is an art that can elevate your writing and make your arguments more persuasive. Essay writing services focus on your ideas and arguments, and service providers must only use quotes to support or illustrate your points.

The Art Of Quoting In An Essay: Best Practices

What Is Quoting?

Quoting is incorporating someone else’s words or ideas into your writing. Online writing services can do this by directly quoting the source, paraphrasing the source, or summarising the source. 

When quoting, it is essential to credit the original author and to ensure that the quote is used to support your argument, not replace it.

Best Practices For Quoting

  1. Use Quotes Sparingly

Using quotes sparingly and only when they add value to your argument is important. Overusing quotes can make your writing seem disjointed and detract from your analysis.

  1. Choose Quotes Carefully

Choose quotes that are relevant, insightful, and support your argument. Avoid using quotes that are vague, irrelevant, or taken out of context. Always ensure that the quote is accurate and that you have properly attributed it to the original author.

  1. Integrate Quotes Seamlessly

When quoting, it is important to integrate the quote seamlessly into your writing. Avoid simply dropping the quote into your essay without any context or analysis. 

Instead, briefly introduce the quote, explain its relevance to your argument, and analyse its meaning.

  1. Use Proper Citation

It is essential to use proper citations to credit the original author. 

It includes providing in-text citations and works cited page or bibliography. Different citation styles may have different requirements, so it is important to check the guidelines for your style.

      5. Choose Your Quotes Wisely

When selecting quotes to include in your essay, ensure they are relevant and add value to your argument. Ensuring that the quote is accurate and properly attributed is also essential.

6. Introduce The Quote

Introducing a quote in UK writing with a signal phrase, such as "According to," "As stated by," or "In the words of," can help integrate the quote into your essay and provide context for the reader.

7. Provide Context

After introducing the quote, it is essential to provide context to help the reader understand its relevance to your argument by summarising it or explaining how it supports your point.

8. Use Ellipses And Brackets

Ellipses can indicate that you have omitted part of a quote, while brackets [ ] can be used to add or clarify words within the quote. However, it is crucial not to change the original quote's meaning.

9. Avoid Over-Reliance On Quotes

While quotes can support your arguments, it is important not to rely too heavily on them. Your essay should primarily consist of your thoughts and ideas, with quotes sparingly supporting or illustrating your points.


In conclusion, using quotes effectively in an essay requires careful consideration and attention to detail. 

By choosing your quotes wisely, introducing them appropriately, providing context, and properly citing your sources, you can ensure that your essay is clear, coherent, and plagiarism-free.

Remember, the focus should be on your ideas and arguments, with quotes used sparingly to support or illustrate your points.

Author Bio

Tobin John is a professional coursework writer for the last 15 years. He has been providing the best coursework writing services in the UK to students of multiple disciplines and study levels. He, himself, holds a PhD degree from a prestigious university. During his studies, he acted as a coursework helper to his juniors and after completing his doctorate, started providing professional coursework writing services.


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