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The Impact Of Technology On The Essay Writing Process

Technology has changed the world, including how we approach essay writing. Technology has made the essay writing process faster, easier, and more efficient, from research to editing.

Essay Writers UK can provide expert guidance and support to students and others struggling with essay writing. They can help individuals to develop their ideas, structure their arguments, and improve the clarity and coherence of their writing. 

They have access to a wide range of resources, including academic journals, online databases, and other sources of information, enabling them to produce informative and engaging essays.

The Impact Of Technology On The Essay Writing Process

The Influence Of Technology On The Essay Writing Process

  1. Research

Research is a crucial part of the essay writing process. It allows us to gather information and evidence to support our arguments. In the past, research was limited to physical books and journals. Research has become much more accessible and convenient now. 

The internet has enabled access to vast information from anywhere in the world. Online databases provide access to academic articles and papers previously only available in print. 

Search engines like Google allow us to find information quickly and easily, and citation tools like EasyBib and Citation Machine make it easier to cite sources accurately.

  1. Writing

Technology has also changed the way we write essays. In the past, essays were written by hand or typewriter, which was time-consuming and laborious. However, with the advent of word processing software, writing has become much easier and faster.

Word processing software like Microsoft Word and Google Docs offer spell check, grammar check, and word count features, making producing error-free and well-written essays easier. Additionally, formatting tools like headers, footers, and tables of contents make it easier to structure and organise essays.

  1. Collaboration

Technology has also made it easier for students to collaborate on essays. In the past, collaboration meant physically meeting other students, which was often difficult due to conflicting schedules. 

With the advent of collaborative tools like Google Docs, students can work together on essays from anywhere in the world.

Google Docs allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, making collaborating and sharing ideas easy. Additionally, comments and suggestions can be made within the document, allowing for easy feedback and revision.

Students often ask, how do I  write my essay UK? The points mentioned above are helpful for students. 

  1. Plagiarism

One of the downsides of technology in essay writing is the potential for plagiarism. With the ease of access to information on the internet, it has become easier for students to copy and paste information without proper citation. However, technology has also provided tools to combat plagiarism.

Plagiarism checkers like Turnitin and Grammarly can scan essays for plagiarism and suggest ways to improve their writing. These tools have made it easier for teachers to detect plagiarism and prevent students from it.


In conclusion, technology has significantly impacted the essay writing process. Technology has made the process faster, easier, and more efficient, from research to collaboration. 

By working with an essay writer, individuals can improve their writing skills, better understand academic conventions, and achieve their academic and professional goals.

However, it is important to use technology responsibly and avoid plagiarism. As technology evolves, it will be interesting to see how it will further change how we write essays.

Author Bio

Tobin John is a professional nursing essay writer settled in the UK. He has been providing the best nursing essay writing services for over 5 years. He has written over 100 dissertations and essays for students of different academic levels and has provided professional nursing essay help to various students. He started off with providing nursing essay writing services in the UK and now extends further.


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